Papeete Tahiti Faaa International Airport Information //

French Polynesia
Scheduled Departures
Scheduled Arrivals
Pilot Departures
Pilot Arrivals
Pilots Based Here
Pilots Located Here

Nearby Airports //

ICAO Name Country Distance
NTTM Moorea Airport French Polynesia 10 NM
NTTH Huahine-Fare Airport French Polynesia 96 NM
NTTR Raiatea Airport French Polynesia 118 NM
NTTB Bora Bora Airport French Polynesia 140 NM
NTTP Maupiti Airport French Polynesia 166 NM
NTGC Tikehau Airport French Polynesia 167 NM
NTTG Rangiroa Airport French Polynesia 192 NM
NTGA Anaa Airport French Polynesia 235 NM
NTGF Fakarava Airport French Polynesia 245 NM
NTKF Faaite Airport French Polynesia 251 NM

Recent Departures from NTAA //

Flight To Name Pilot Flighttime Landing Rate Aircraft
ANZ903 NZAA Auckland Airport James Filling 5.35 -352 ft/m B789
UVA11259 NTTH Huahine-Fare Airport James Filling 0.29 -34 ft/m CRJ7
ANZ903 NZAA Auckland Airport Larry Finkbeiner 5.23 -134 ft/m B77W
UAL3855 KSFO San Francisco International Airport Robert Hopkins 8.05 0 ft/m B789
HAL482 PHNL Honolulu International Airport James Filling 5.49 -348 ft/m A332
UAL3855 KSFO San Francisco International Airport Daniel Robson 7.31 -67 ft/m B789
UAL114 KSFO San Francisco International Airport Kendall Mann 7.37 -258 ft/m B788
UVA3541 SCIP Mataveri Airport Ahmed Shah 5.10 -19 ft/m B752
AFR77 KLAX Los Angeles International Airport Criss Kennedy 12.16 -310 ft/m A343
ANZ903 NZAA Auckland Airport HM | Austin Hutchens 5.45 -358 ft/m B77W

Recent Arrivals to NTAA //

Flight From Name Pilot Flighttime Landing Rate Aircraft
UAL115 KSFO San Francisco International Airport James Filling 8.46 -67 ft/m A359
HAL481 PHNL Honolulu International Airport Robert Hopkins 5.45 0 ft/m A332
UAL115 KSFO San Francisco International Airport Larry Finkbeiner 8.05 -115 ft/m B77W
UAL115 KSFO San Francisco International Airport James Filling 8.49 -331 ft/m A333
UAL115 KSFO San Francisco International Airport Matthew Simmons 9.03 -231 ft/m B789
HAL481 PHNL Honolulu International Airport Kendall Mann 5.38 -396 ft/m B789
UVA4824 KLAX Los Angeles International Airport Ahmed Shah 8.13 -47 ft/m B744
UAL115 KSFO San Francisco International Airport Cedric Schmelzer 8.22 -455 ft/m B789
UVA8592 NWWW La Tontouta International Airport Mert Atsiz 4.52 -153 ft/m B77W
UVA1868 KLAX Los Angeles International Airport Kenneth Peeters 8.02 -516 ft/m MD11

Pilots based at NTAA //

Pilot Location
No Pilots are based at this airport!

Pilots currently at NTAA //

Pilot At Airport Since
Shaquille McIntosh 2024-10-03 18:19:15