SmartCARS Log
23:37:05 - Now boarding
23:37:05 - COM1: 127.700, COM2: 120.120, NAV1: 110.30, NAV2: 109.50, Transponder: 1200
23:44:33 - Pushing back with 15832 lbs of fuel
23:45:07 - Engine 2 On
23:46:30 - Engine 1 On
23:47:22 - Pitch exceeded 10 degrees nose down
23:47:24 - Bank exceeded 30 degrees
23:47:30 - Climbing at 0 kts, -45 degrees pitch, -2 degrees bank
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23:47:32 - Touched down at 851 fpm, 0.0g, 0 kts, -59 degrees pitch, 41 degrees bank
23:47:32 - On ground 506 nm from planned arrival airport
23:47:33 - Taxiing to gate, landed in 0 ft
23:47:53 - Engine 1 Off
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