21:33:03 - Climbing at 180 kts, 11 degrees pitch, -1 degrees bank
21:33:35 - Pitch exceeded 10 degrees nose down
21:34:02 - Flaps set to 35%
21:34:02 - Flaps set to 23%
21:34:31 - Flaps set to 17%
21:34:31 - Flaps set to 2%
21:34:31 - Flaps set to 0%
21:55:45 - Cruising at 30000 ft
00:06:33 - Reconnected 248.865101386nm from your last recorded position
00:06:33 - Engine 1 Off
00:06:33 - Engine 2 Off
00:06:33 - Gear lever lowered
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00:06:34 - Touched down at 46 fpm, 1.4g, 1 kts, -3 degrees pitch, 0 degrees bank
00:06:34 - On ground 5864 nm from planned arrival airport
00:06:35 - Taxiing to gate, landed in 0 ft
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