info |
Pilot ID UAL2582 |
PIC Mohammad M. |
Approved |
airlines |
Airline United Airlines |
Aircraft B38M |
Registration N17289 |
Passengers 148 |
Distance 955 |
Landing -195 |
Passengers 148 |
Ticket Price 696
Gross $103008 |
local_gas_station |
Fuel Used 18816 lbs |
Jet A Price $3.10 |
Jet A Cost $58329.6 |
schedule_send |
Flight Time 2.54 |
Pilot Hourly $150 |
Pilot Gross Pay $381 |
restaurant |
Insurance $300 |
Airport Fees $70 |
Catering $100 |
Flight Revenue
Flight Feedback
- Perfect flight! Keep up the great work.
Stalling Instances:
Overspeeding Instances:
Exceeded 250 Knots:
Aircraft Bounced:
Fuel Below Threshold:
Landing Rate:
-195 fpm
Boarding to Pushback Time:
3 minutes
+2%: Decent landing (-151 to -250 fpm).
2025-01-28T14:21:09.373Z - Comment: flight control check trim green aileron green rudder green stabalizer green\n2025-01-28T14:21:28.678Z - Comment: flaps 5 config n1 98.8 141 143 152\n2025-01-28T14:21:40.730Z - Comment: ctaf ttaxiing out 14 \n2025-01-28T14:26:28.120Z - Comment: rwy14 verified\n2025-01-28T14:26:29.718Z - Comment: on rwy14\n2025-01-28T14:26:32.454Z - Comment: hdg course align\n2025-01-28T14:26:35.521Z - Comment: runway heading climb 5k\n2025-01-28T14:26:42.023Z - Comment: transponder on bleeds closed\n2025-01-28T14:26:46.374Z - Comment: on the roll\n2025-01-28T16:01:18.678Z - Comment: leaving 330 on PHLBO4\n2025-01-28T16:01:24.498Z - Comment: planing Stadium Visual RWY29\n2025-01-28T16:01:31.169Z - Comment: Info M
-Mohammad Mirza