01:15:40 - Climbing at 162 kts, 10 degrees pitch, -0 degrees bank
01:15:43 - Gear lever raised
01:16:06 - Flaps set to 13%
01:16:23 - COM1 active frequency set to 119.000
01:16:34 - Flaps set to 0%
01:18:57 - COM1 active frequency set to 134.870
01:23:27 - COM1 active frequency set to 126.470
01:32:46 - COM1 active frequency set to 119.550
01:35:47 - Cruising at 37000 ft
01:39:42 - Climbing at 247 kts, 6 degrees pitch, 0 degrees bank
01:43:56 - Cruising at 39000 ft
01:52:35 - COM1 active frequency set to 135.570
02:05:47 - COM1 active frequency set to 132.970
02:38:48 - COM1 active frequency set to 135.920
02:49:37 - Descending with 159 nm to go
02:53:59 - Cruising at 35000 ft
02:57:09 - Descending with 98 nm to go
03:04:28 - COM1 active frequency set to 124.800
03:11:39 - Approach started at 8066 ft AGL with 8 nm to go
03:17:34 - Flaps set to 13%
03:17:50 - Flaps set to 38%
03:18:42 - Gear lever lowered
03:19:41 - COM1 active frequency set to 118.450
03:19:50 - Flaps set to 62%
03:20:19 - Flaps set to 87%
03:20:30 - On final at 1072 ft with 4 nm to go at 169 kts, -1 degrees pitch, 0 degrees bank
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03:21:47 - Touched down at -193 fpm, 1.7g, 136 kts, 1 degrees pitch, -0 degrees bank
03:22:08 - Flaps set to 0%
03:22:10 - Taxiing to gate, landed in 3074 ft
03:29:08 - Engine 1 Off
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