03:57:16 - Approach started at 8402 ft AGL with 29 nm to go
03:58:12 - Flaps set to 13%
03:58:44 - Flaps set to 13%
03:58:49 - Flaps set to 13%
03:59:36 - Flaps set to 25%
03:59:39 - Flaps set to 25%
04:00:14 - Flaps set to 13%
04:00:19 - Flaps set to 0%
04:00:21 - Flaps set to 0%
04:01:26 - Flaps set to 25%
04:01:34 - Flaps set to 13%
04:01:42 - Flaps set to 25%
04:01:46 - Flaps set to 38%
04:01:52 - Flaps set to 50%
04:01:56 - Flaps set to 50%
04:01:59 - Gear lever lowered
04:02:20 - Flaps set to 62%
04:02:24 - Flaps set to 62%
04:02:51 - Flaps set to 75%
04:03:20 - Flaps set to 87%
04:05:19 - On final at 1156 ft with 3 nm to go at 155 kts, 2 degrees pitch, -2 degrees bank
Click to expand/close
04:06:18 - Touched down at -209 fpm, 1.2g, 144 kts, 3 degrees pitch, -1 degrees bank
04:06:58 - Flaps set to 75%
04:07:05 - Flaps set to 75%
04:07:08 - Flaps set to 62%
04:07:11 - Flaps set to 50%
04:07:14 - Flaps set to 38%
04:07:19 - Flaps set to 25%
04:07:23 - Flaps set to 13%
04:07:30 - Flaps set to 0%
04:07:41 - Taxiing to gate, landed in 1595 m
04:11:01 - Engine 1 Off
2024-09-29T02:33:06.818Z - Comment: my altitude was not holding for some reason\n2024-09-29T02:33:16.769Z - Comment: pmdg issues\n2024-09-29T02:45:50.678Z - Comment: so far doing good \n2024-09-29T03:35:35.805Z - Comment: did not mean to do that
-Christopher Canales