14:33:16 - Approach started at 8686 ft AGL with 8 nm to go
14:35:26 - Flaps set to 17%
14:35:28 - Flaps set to 17%
14:35:30 - Flaps set to 0%
14:35:34 - Flaps set to 17%
14:36:49 - Stalling
14:36:49 - Stall recovered
14:36:54 - Reached minimum speed of 179 kts
14:36:56 - Stalling
14:36:56 - Stall recovered
14:37:01 - Reached minimum speed of 170 kts
14:37:19 - Flaps set to 33%
14:37:29 - Flaps set to 50%
14:39:25 - Flaps set to 67%
14:39:28 - Flaps set to 67%
14:39:30 - Flaps set to 67%
14:39:40 - Stalling
14:39:40 - Stall recovered
14:39:45 - Reached minimum speed of 132 kts
14:39:50 - Flaps set to 83%
14:39:57 - Stalling
14:39:58 - Stall recovered
14:39:59 - Gear lever lowered
14:40:02 - Flaps set to 83%
14:40:03 - Reached minimum speed of 129 kts
14:40:08 - Flaps set to 100%
14:44:02 - On final at 1656 ft with 4 nm to go at 136 kts, 2 degrees pitch, 0 degrees bank
Click to expand/close
14:45:31 - Touched down at -145 fpm, 1.2g, 126 kts, 4 degrees pitch, -0 degrees bank
14:45:31 - Landed approx. 8 min early with a fuel burn approx. 4000 lbs higher than planned
14:46:12 - Taxiing to gate, landed in 4055 ft
14:46:23 - COM1 active frequency set to 120.750
14:48:59 - Flaps set to 50%
14:49:09 - Flaps set to 83%
14:49:15 - Flaps set to 67%
14:49:27 - Flaps set to 50%
14:49:32 - Flaps set to 33%
14:49:42 - Flaps set to 17%
14:49:53 - Flaps set to 0%
14:59:34 - Engine 1 Off
Your PIREP is pending due to the following criteria found in your log: A stall was detected