05:22:40 - Climbing at 173 kts, 11 degrees pitch, 5 degrees bank
05:22:42 - Stalling
05:22:45 - Stall recovered
05:22:48 - Stalling
05:22:50 - Stall recovered
05:22:54 - Reached minimum speed of 172 kts
05:22:59 - Gear lever raised
05:23:42 - COM1 active frequency set to 122.800
05:24:08 - Comment: pmdg preformance calculator is really off
05:25:42 - Flaps set to 17%
05:25:54 - Flaps set to 0%
05:26:48 - Paused
05:27:17 - Engine 1 Off
05:27:17 - Engine 2 Off
05:27:17 - Gear lever lowered
05:27:22 - Unpaused
05:27:22 - Transponder code set to 1234
Click to expand/close
05:27:23 - Touched down at 1788 fpm, 1.0g, 0 kts, -0 degrees pitch, 0 degrees bank
05:27:23 - On ground 3035 nm from planned arrival airport
05:27:24 - Taxiing to gate, landed in 0 m
2024-07-19T05:19:19.712Z - Comment: Accidently skipped my 3 hour preflight because im dumb\n2024-07-19T05:24:08.052Z - Comment: pmdg preformance calculator is really off
-Shengkun Lin
Your PIREP is pending due to the following criteria found in your log: A stall was detected