SmartCARS Log
14:24:18 - Now boarding
14:24:18 - COM1: 119.800, COM2: 118.000, NAV1: 110.50, NAV2: 115.20, Transponder: 1234
14:24:29 - Pushing back with 307106 lbs of fuel
14:28:09 - Taxiing out
14:34:37 - Taking off
14:35:08 - Climbing at 182 kts, 9 degrees pitch, -0 degrees bank
14:35:24 - Gear lever raised
14:35:25 - Flaps set to 0%
14:35:32 - Flaps set to 33%
14:35:41 - Flaps set to 17%
14:35:53 - Flaps set to 0%
14:35:55 - Stalling
14:36:18 - Stall recovered
14:36:47 - Descending with 6437 nm to go
14:36:59 - Climbing at 247 kts, 9 degrees pitch, -0 degrees bank
14:37:29 - Exceeded 250 kts. below 10,000 ft. MSL. Maximum speed of 259 kts.
14:37:38 - Exceeded 250 kts. below 10,000 ft. MSL. Maximum speed of 259 kts.
14:37:59 - Exceeded 250 kts. below 10,000 ft. MSL. Maximum speed of 259 kts.
14:38:12 - Exceeded 250 kts. below 10,000 ft. MSL. Maximum speed of 259 kts.
14:38:23 - Exceeded 250 kts. below 10,000 ft. MSL. Maximum speed of 261 kts.
14:39:36 - Exceeded 250 kts. below 10,000 ft. MSL. Maximum speed of 260 kts.
14:41:26 - Exceeded 250 kts. below 10,000 ft. MSL. Maximum speed of 261 kts.
15:00:24 - Sim rate changed to 4x
15:00:39 - Cruising at 30000 ft
15:36:55 - Sim rate changed to 8x
15:36:57 - Sim rate changed to 1x
15:38:43 - Climbing at 317 kts, 4 degrees pitch, -0 degrees bank
15:42:00 - Sim rate changed to 2x
15:42:25 - Cruising at 32000 ft
16:54:09 - Sim rate changed to 1x
16:55:17 - Climbing at 300 kts, 5 degrees pitch, -0 degrees bank
16:58:57 - Sim rate changed to 2x
16:59:00 - Sim rate changed to 4x
16:59:03 - Cruising at 34000 ft
17:13:58 - Sim rate changed to 1x
17:15:53 - Climbing at 287 kts, 4 degrees pitch, -0 degrees bank
17:20:23 - Cruising at 36000 ft
19:05:58 - Sim rate changed to 0.02x
19:31:49 - Sim rate changed to 1x
19:33:28 - Climbing at 275 kts, 4 degrees pitch, -0 degrees bank
19:37:06 - Sim rate changed to 0.02x
19:37:16 - Cruising at 38000 ft
19:39:52 - Sim rate changed to 8x
19:39:55 - Sim rate changed to 1x
19:40:02 - Sim rate changed to 2x
19:40:04 - Sim rate changed to 8x
19:40:35 - Sim rate changed to 1x
19:40:53 - Sim rate changed to 2x
19:57:46 - Sim rate changed to 1x
19:58:50 - Descending with 237 nm to go
20:07:54 - Paused
20:08:50 - Unpaused
20:09:47 - Climbing at 294 kts, 3 degrees pitch, 1 degrees bank
20:12:51 - Cruising at 23100 ft
20:14:42 - Descending with 131 nm to go
20:27:00 - Exceeded 250 kts. below 10,000 ft. MSL. Maximum speed of 293 kts.
20:27:12 - Gear lever lowered
20:27:15 - Flaps set to 17%
20:27:28 - Flaps set to 33%
20:27:41 - Climbing at 237 kts, 3 degrees pitch, 0 degrees bank
20:33:42 - Cruising at 9300 ft
20:36:09 - Descending with 29 nm to go
20:36:53 - Approach started at 7967 ft AGL with 25 nm to go
20:43:53 - Flaps set to 50%
20:43:55 - Bank exceeded 30 degrees
20:43:59 - Flaps set to 67%
20:44:04 - On final at 924 ft with 4 nm to go at 189 kts, 14 degrees pitch, -37 degrees bank
20:44:10 - Going around at 1147 ft AGL, 169 kts, 9 degrees pitch, -30 degrees bank
20:44:10 - Flaps set to 83%
20:44:25 - Flaps set to 67%
20:44:26 - Approach started at 1983 ft AGL with 3 nm to go
20:44:34 - Flaps set to 50%
20:44:40 - Flaps set to 33%
20:44:47 - Exceeded 250 kts. below 10,000 ft. MSL. Maximum speed of 255 kts.
20:44:54 - Flaps set to 50%
20:45:11 - Flaps set to 33%
20:45:15 - Flaps set to 50%
20:45:20 - Flaps set to 67%
20:45:48 - Flaps set to 83%
20:46:08 - Flaps set to 100%
20:46:35 - On final at 1188 ft with 6 nm to go at 141 kts, 6 degrees pitch, 10 degrees bank
20:46:40 - Gear lever raised
20:46:54 - Going around at 1189 ft AGL, 190 kts, 10 degrees pitch, 3 degrees bank
20:46:55 - Flaps set to 83%
20:47:01 - Approach started at 1675 ft AGL with 7 nm to go
20:47:03 - Flaps set to 100%
20:47:45 - Stalling
20:47:46 - Stall recovered
20:47:48 - Stalling
20:47:49 - On final at 976 ft with 8 nm to go at 121 kts, 3 degrees pitch, -19 degrees bank
20:47:54 - Stall recovered
20:47:57 - Stalling
20:47:58 - Reached minimum speed of 114 kts
20:48:00 - Going around at 700 ft AGL, 125 kts, 11 degrees pitch, -8 degrees bank
20:48:02 - Stall recovered
20:48:06 - Pitch exceeded 20 degrees nose up
20:48:44 - Approach started at 3427 ft AGL with 6 nm to go
20:48:55 - Flaps set to 83%
20:49:13 - Gear lever lowered
20:49:21 - Pitch exceeded 10 degrees nose down
20:49:28 - Flaps set to 67%
20:49:44 - Flaps set to 83%
20:49:55 - Flaps set to 100%
20:50:02 - On final at 1272 ft with 2 nm to go at 176 kts, -5 degrees pitch, 1 degrees bank
LandingClick to expand/close 20:50:41 - Touched down at -54 fpm, 0.9g, 134 kts, 1 degrees pitch, -0 degrees bank
20:50:56 - Taxiing to gate, landed in 2064 ft
20:52:21 - Flaps set to 83%
20:52:28 - Flaps set to 67%
20:52:39 - Flaps set to 50%
20:52:45 - Flaps set to 33%
20:52:54 - Flaps set to 17%
20:53:06 - Flaps set to 0%
20:54:00 - Engine 1 Off
Your PIREP is pending due to the following criteria found in your log: A stall was detected
Hello, There are several problems with this flight log. 1- Time compression before top of climb. 2- Stalling numerous times. 3-Speed Exceedance under 10k feet
-DPO | TJ Warren