PIREP Details / CPA885


Pilot ID


Cathay Pacific Airways



Landing Rate 90%


View ACARS Log
KLAX SUMMR2 RIZIN MQO AUDIA 34N130W 33N140W 32N150W 31N160W 30N170W 29N180E 28N170E 27N160E 26N150E 25N140E TUNTO IGURU G581 ELATO V522 ABBEY ABEY3A VHHH

SmartCARS Log

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23:30:31 - Now boarding
23:30:31 - COM1: 119.800, COM2: 118.000, NAV1: 110.50, NAV2: 113.60, Transponder: 2056
23:32:02 - COM1 active frequency set to 120.950
23:33:05 - Paused
23:33:14 - Unpaused
23:38:33 - Paused
23:38:43 - Unpaused
23:39:11 - Paused
23:39:21 - Unpaused

Pushing Back
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23:41:09 - Pushing back with 124690 kgs of fuel
23:46:19 - Paused
23:46:28 - Unpaused
23:46:54 - Engine 1 On
23:48:37 - Engine 2 On
23:49:04 - Flaps set to 17%
23:49:07 - Flaps set to 33%
23:49:13 - Flaps set to 17%
23:49:23 - Paused
23:49:26 - Flaps set to 33%
23:49:31 - Unpaused

Taxiing to Runway
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23:50:51 - Taxiing out
23:52:36 - Paused
23:52:47 - Unpaused
23:52:58 - Paused
23:53:08 - Unpaused
23:53:34 - Paused
23:53:43 - Unpaused
23:54:43 - Paused
23:54:52 - Unpaused
23:58:42 - COM1 active frequency set to 133.800
23:58:45 - COM1 active frequency set to 120.950

Taking Off
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00:00:41 - Taking off

Click to expand/close
00:01:16 - Climbing at 201 kts, 8 degrees pitch, 1 degrees bank
00:01:19 - Gear lever raised
00:01:51 - COM1 active frequency set to 128.050
00:02:16 - Flaps set to 17%
00:02:18 - Flaps set to 33%
00:02:25 - Flaps set to 17%
00:03:20 - Flaps set to 0%
00:03:28 - Flaps set to 0%
00:05:11 - COM1 active frequency set to 126.520

Cruise Phase
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00:23:06 - Cruising at 30000 ft
00:24:02 - COM1 active frequency set to 122.800
00:24:05 - Transponder code set to 2000

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01:25:51 - Climbing at 311 kts, 5 degrees pitch, -0 degrees bank

Initial Descent Phase
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01:26:47 - Descending with 5811 nm to go

Cruise Phase
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01:29:49 - Cruising at 32000 ft

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04:07:50 - Climbing at 297 kts, 5 degrees pitch, -0 degrees bank

Cruise Phase
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04:11:53 - Cruising at 34000 ft

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12:04:35 - Climbing at 284 kts, 4 degrees pitch, -0 degrees bank

Cruise Phase
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12:09:51 - Cruising at 38000 ft

Initial Descent Phase
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13:33:24 - Descending with 133 nm to go

Approach Phase
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13:50:51 - Approach started at 8541 ft AGL with 19 nm to go
13:57:31 - Flaps set to 17%
13:57:32 - Flaps set to 0%
13:57:39 - Flaps set to 17%
13:58:00 - Flaps set to 33%
13:58:08 - Flaps set to 33%
13:59:35 - Flaps set to 50%
13:59:36 - Flaps set to 33%
13:59:40 - Flaps set to 50%
13:59:46 - Gear lever lowered
13:59:51 - Flaps set to 67%
13:59:54 - Flaps set to 67%
13:59:58 - Flaps set to 100%
14:00:01 - Flaps set to 100%
14:00:10 - Flaps set to 83%
14:00:16 - Flaps set to 100%

Final Phase
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14:01:35 - On final at 981 ft with 4 nm to go at 138 kts, 3 degrees pitch, 0 degrees bank

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14:02:58 - Touched down at -165 fpm, 1.1g, 133 kts, 4 degrees pitch, -0 degrees bank

Taxi To Gate
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14:03:51 - Taxiing to gate, landed in 1650 m
14:04:12 - Flaps set to 50%
14:04:21 - Flaps set to 83%
14:04:28 - Flaps set to 67%
14:04:39 - Flaps set to 50%
14:04:45 - Flaps set to 33%
14:04:54 - Flaps set to 17%
14:05:06 - Flaps set to 0%
14:07:51 - Engine 1 Off

Deboarding Phase
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14:07:52 - Engine 2 Off