PIREP Details / UAL863


Pilot ID


United Airlines



Landing Rate 100%


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KSFO GNNRR3 BEBOP R464 BILLO CIVIT 20N153W/N0499F320 11N160W 02N170W/N0494F340 05S180E 14S170E/N0487F360 21S163E 25S160E CBULA BANDA J70 IGDAM H652 BOREE BOREE3A YSSY

SmartCARS Log

Pushing Back
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[05:38:11] Pushing back with 113990 kg of fuel
[05:39:15] Engine 1 is on
[05:40:32] Engine 2 is on
[05:41:29] Flaps set to position 3
[05:44:37] Taxiing to runway

Taking Off
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[05:59:27] Taking off

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[05:59:58] Climbing, pitch: 9, roll: 1 degrees right, 163 kts
[06:00:01] Gear lever raised at 87 ft at 179 kts
[06:01:15] Flaps set to position 1 at 2731 ft at 196 kts
[06:01:29] Flaps set to position 0 at 2591 ft at 205 kts
[06:01:36] Flaps set to position 1 at 2653 ft at 217 kts
[06:04:41] Flaps set to position 0 at 7217 ft at 243 kts

Cruise Phase
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[17:34:02] Cruising altitude changed to 36000 ft
[19:46:41] Flaps set to position 1 at 4375 ft at 218 kts
[19:47:10] Flaps set to position 0 at 4183 ft at 213 kts
[19:49:15] Flaps set to position 3 at 3886 ft at 181 kts
[19:51:22] Gear lever lowered at 2468 ft at 187 kts
[19:51:26] Flaps set to position 5 at 2397 ft at 187 kts
[19:52:14] Flaps set to position 8 at 1670 ft at 153 kts

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[19:54:46] Touched down early at -59 fpm, gear level: down, flaps: 8
[19:54:46] On the ground 407 nm from the planned arrival airfield
[19:54:47] Aircraft bounced, touched back down at -18 fpm
[19:55:36] Landed in 4913 ft, fuel: 3927 kg, weight: 178831 kg

Taxi To Gate
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[19:55:36] Taxiing to gate
[19:56:01] Flaps set to position 2
[19:57:52] Flaps set to position 0
[19:59:12] The flight may now be ended
[19:59:12] Arrived, flight duration: 14:20
[19:59:25] Engine 1 is off
[19:59:26] Engine 2 is off
[20:01:40] Fuel quantity increased to 3802 kg from 3173 kg
[20:04:32] Fuel quantity increased to 8381 kg from 8267 kg
[20:04:35] Fuel quantity increased to 8502 kg from 8381 kg
[20:04:37] Fuel quantity increased to 8617 kg from 8502 kg
[20:04:42] Fuel quantity increased to 8845 kg from 8730 kg
[20:04:44] Fuel quantity increased to 8960 kg from 8845 kg
[20:05:24] Fuel quantity increased to 10880 kg from 10763 kg
[20:05:27] Fuel quantity increased to 10995 kg from 10880 kg
[20:07:06] Fuel quantity increased to 15832 kg from 15709 kg
[20:07:09] Fuel quantity increased to 15958 kg from 15832 kg
[20:07:11] Fuel quantity increased to 16080 kg from 15958 kg
[20:07:14] Fuel quantity increased to 16200 kg from 16080 kg
[20:07:16] Fuel quantity increased to 16319 kg from 16200 kg
[20:07:18] Fuel quantity increased to 16439 kg from 16319 kg
[20:07:21] Fuel quantity increased to 16561 kg from 16439 kg
[20:07:24] Fuel quantity increased to 16685 kg from 16561 kg
[20:07:26] Fuel quantity increased to 16815 kg from 16685 kg
[20:07:29] Fuel quantity increased to 16938 kg from 16815 kg
[20:07:31] Fuel quantity increased to 17062 kg from 16938 kg
[20:07:34] Fuel quantity increased to 17189 kg from 17062 kg
[20:07:36] Fuel quantity increased to 17319 kg from 17189 kg
[20:07:39] Fuel quantity increased to 17443 kg from 17319 kg
[20:07:42] Fuel quantity increased to 17563 kg from 17443 kg
[20:07:44] Fuel quantity increased to 17681 kg from 17563 kg
[20:07:46] Fuel quantity increased to 17798 kg from 17681 kg
[20:07:49] Fuel quantity increased to 17912 kg from 17798 kg
[20:07:51] Fuel quantity increased to 18028 kg from 17912 kg
[20:07:54] Fuel quantity increased to 18144 kg from 18028 kg
[20:07:58] Fuel quantity increased to 18370 kg from 18257 kg
[20:08:00] Fuel quantity increased to 18485 kg from 18370 kg
[20:08:05] Fuel quantity increased to 18712 kg from 18597 kg
[20:08:10] Fuel quantity increased to 18941 kg from 18825 kg
[20:08:12] Fuel quantity increased to 19059 kg from 18941 kg
[20:08:17] Fuel quantity increased to 19290 kg from 19172 kg
[20:08:20] Fuel quantity increased to 19407 kg from 19290 kg
[20:08:22] Fuel quantity increased to 19524 kg from 19407 kg
[20:08:24] Fuel quantity increased to 19640 kg from 19524 kg
[20:08:27] Fuel quantity increased to 19759 kg from 19640 kg
[20:08:29] Fuel quantity increased to 19883 kg from 19759 kg
[20:08:32] Fuel quantity increased to 19997 kg from 19883 kg
[20:08:34] Fuel quantity increased to 20116 kg from 19997 kg
[20:08:59] Fuel quantity increased to 21304 kg from 21188 kg
[20:09:01] Fuel quantity increased to 21419 kg from 21304 kg
[20:09:06] Fuel quantity increased to 21646 kg from 21532 kg
[20:09:15] Fuel quantity increased to 22101 kg from 21985 kg
[20:09:18] Fuel quantity increased to 22216 kg from 22101 kg
[20:09:22] Fuel quantity increased to 22443 kg from 22329 kg
[20:09:27] Fuel quantity increased to 22671 kg from 22557 kg
[20:09:32] Fuel quantity increased to 22904 kg from 22785 kg
[20:09:34] Fuel quantity increased to 23026 kg from 22904 kg
[20:09:37] Fuel quantity increased to 23142 kg from 23026 kg
[20:13:04] Engine 1 is on
[20:14:19] Engine 2 is on
[20:14:59] Flaps set to position 3
[20:21:29] Gear lever raised at 101 ft at 170 kts
[20:22:35] Flaps set to position 1 at 4934 ft at 189 kts
[20:23:23] Flaps set to position 0 at 7839 ft at 230 kts
[21:19:05] Flaps set to position 2 at 2636 ft at 233 kts
[21:19:39] Gear lever lowered at 2854 ft at 189 kts
[21:19:39] Flaps set to position 3 at 2845 ft at 189 kts
[21:20:31] Flaps set to position 8 at 2338 ft at 147 kts