info |
Pilot ID UAL2175 |
PIC August C. |
Approved |
airlines |
Airline Spirit Airlines |
Aircraft CRJ7 |
Registration N706SK |
Passengers 138 |
Distance 194 |
Landing -354 |
Passengers 138 |
Ticket Price 2683
Gross $370254 |
local_gas_station |
Fuel Used 2535 lbs |
Jet A Price $3.10 |
Jet A Cost $7858.5 |
schedule_send |
Flight Time 0.56 |
Pilot Hourly $50 |
Pilot Gross Pay $28 |
restaurant |
Insurance $300 |
Airport Fees $70 |
Catering $100 |
Flight Revenue
Flight Feedback
- This flight needs work. Don't be discouraged, keep learning!
- ⚠️ Overspeeding instances were detected. Ensure to monitor your airspeed, especially below 10,000 feet, to avoid violations.
Stalling Instances:
Overspeeding Instances:
Exceeded 250 Knots:
Aircraft Bounced:
Fuel Below Threshold:
Landing Rate:
-354 fpm
Boarding to Pushback Time:
8 minutes
-160%: Overspeeding detected (16 instances).
-20%: Exceeded 250 knots below 10,000 ft (4 instances).
-2%: Hard landing (-251 to -450 fpm).
2024-03-14T21:52:18.002Z - Comment: Switching arrival runway to RWY 8 @ KBUR.\n2024-03-14T22:01:29.937Z - Comment: Taking off\n2024-03-14T22:10:47.272Z - Comment: *for the SID and it\'s top altitude.\n2024-03-14T22:16:45.136Z - Comment: Not indicated\n2024-03-14T22:17:43.854Z - Comment: ACFT AP turned the wrong way, turned southbound\n2024-03-14T22:18:03.679Z - Comment: Correcting by directing to JOHHN\n2024-03-14T22:35:35.599Z - Comment: This acft...\n2024-03-14T22:37:28.910Z - Comment: REMINDER: FBW\n2024-03-14T22:40:58.302Z - Comment: Switching runways to 15.
-August Carr