2024-02-01T23:10:27.595Z - Comment: No stall previously, init cruise of FL370 could not be met ATC cleared FL310 until weather over Nebraska brought us up to FL350. slowest airspeed 190kts -William Schwindenhammer
Your PIREP is pending due to the following criteria found in your log: A stall was detected -PIREP Bot
21:49:16 - Climbing at 147 kts, 8 degrees pitch, 1 degrees bank
21:49:21 - Gear lever raised
21:49:43 - Flaps set to 20%
21:49:45 - Flaps set to 0%
Cruise Phase Click to expand/close
22:14:56 - Cruising at 35300 ft
22:16:12 - COM1 active frequency set to 127.650
Initial Descent Phase Click to expand/close
22:20:14 - Descending with 746 nm to go
22:20:18 - Stalling
22:20:27 - Stall recovered
22:20:31 - Reached minimum speed of 153 kts
Cruise Phase Click to expand/close
22:25:50 - Cruising at 31000 ft
22:44:14 - COM1 active frequency set to 133.400
Climbing Click to expand/close
22:49:18 - Climbing at 288 kts, 6 degrees pitch, 1 degrees bank
Cruise Phase Click to expand/close
22:55:23 - Cruising at 35000 ft
23:08:28 - COM1 active frequency set to 122.800
23:10:27 - Comment: No stall previously, init cruise of FL370 could not be met ATC cleared FL310 until weather over Nebraska brought us up to FL350. slowest airspeed 190kts
23:27:29 - COM1 active frequency set to 120.350
Initial Descent Phase Click to expand/close
23:38:15 - Descending with 152 nm to go
23:40:31 - COM1 active frequency set to 127.770
23:51:21 - COM1 active frequency set to 119.900
23:52:46 - COM1 active frequency set to 119.000
23:53:26 - Gear lever lowered
23:53:32 - Gear lever raised
23:57:50 - Exceeded 250 kts. below 10,000 ft. MSL. Maximum speed of 301 kts.
Approach Phase Click to expand/close
23:58:36 - Approach started at 8863 ft AGL with 37 nm to go
00:02:20 - COM1 active frequency set to 120.750
00:05:05 - Gear lever lowered
00:05:19 - Flaps set to 20%
00:05:27 - Flaps set to 40%
Final Phase Click to expand/close
00:06:05 - On final at 1679 ft with 4 nm to go at 190 kts, 0 degrees pitch, -0 degrees bank
Landing Click to expand/close
00:07:26 - Touched down at -121 fpm, 1.2g, 147 kts, -0 degrees pitch, 4 degrees bank
2024-02-01T23:10:27.595Z - Comment: No stall previously, init cruise of FL370 could not be met ATC cleared FL310 until weather over Nebraska brought us up to FL350. slowest airspeed 190kts
-William Schwindenhammer
Your PIREP is pending due to the following criteria found in your log: A stall was detected
Approved PIREP.
-HM | Daniel Sage