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This was a manual PIREP. No graphical information is available for this flight.
smartCARS version, 2023/9/22 UTC-4\r\n[07:39:23 PM] Preflight started, flying on VATSIM\r\n[07:39:23 PM] Flying FenixA320_NKSN601NK_ZB\r\n[07:39:40 PM] Pushing back with 20839 lb of fuel\r\n[07:40:27 PM] Engine 2 is on\r\n[07:41:45 PM] Sim paused\r\n[07:41:53 PM] Sim unpaused\r\n[07:41:57 PM] Engine 1 is on\r\n[07:42:24 PM] Flaps set to position 2\r\n[07:42:31 PM] Flaps set to position 3\r\n[07:43:03 PM] Taxiing to runway\r\n[07:51:26 PM] Taking off\r\n[07:51:50 PM] Climbing, pitch: 12, roll: 1 degrees left, 147 kts\r\n[07:51:53 PM] Gear lever raised at 90 ft at 154 kts\r\n[07:52:22 PM] Flaps set to position 2 at 1365 ft at 160 kts\r\n[07:53:14 PM] Flaps set to position 1 at 2688 ft at 199 kts\r\n[07:53:20 PM] Flaps set to position 0 at 2768 ft at 205 kts\r\n[08:54:44 PM] Cruising at 35000ft, pitch: 3, 456 kts\r\n[09:45:41 PM] Descending early, distance: 314 nm\r\n[09:51:46 PM] Approaching early\r\n[09:56:49 PM] Early final approach, 198 kts\r\n[09:56:53 PM] Flaps set to position 1 at 3015 ft at 209 kts\r\n[09:58:08 PM] Flaps set to position 2 at 2624 ft at 189 kts\r\n[09:58:15 PM] Flaps set to position 3 at 2608 ft at 182 kts\r\n[09:58:49 PM] Gear lever lowered at 2199 ft at 163 kts\r\n[09:59:05 PM] Flaps set to position 4 at 2000 ft at 155 kts\r\n[09:59:07 PM] Flaps set to position 5 at 1967 ft at 155 kts\r\n[10:02:11 PM] Touched down at -201 fpm, gear lever: down, pitch: 5, roll: level, 114 kts\r\n[10:02:29 PM] Landed in 2425 ft, fuel: 8451 lb, weight: 141752 lb\r\n[10:02:29 PM] Taxiing to gate\r\n[10:02:45 PM] Flaps set to position 4\r\n[10:02:51 PM] Flaps set to position 1\r\n[10:02:57 PM] Flaps set to position 0\r\n[10:10:28 PM] The flight may now be ended\r\n[10:10:28 PM] Arrived, flight duration: 02:30\r\n[10:10:37 PM] Engine 2 is off\r\n[10:10:37 PM] Engine 1 is off
-Drew Woodall