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This was a manual PIREP. No graphical information is available for this flight.
Lost sim connection upon arrival. SmartCARS log is as follows: \r\n\r\nsmartCARS version, 2023/6/24 UTC-7\r\n[09:01:11 AM] Preflight started, flying on VATSIM\r\n[09:01:11 AM] Flying Toliss A321 [IAEST] American (SUTC-N162AA)\r\n[09:06:01 AM] Pushing back with 13382 lb of fuel\r\n[09:07:01 AM] Engine 1 is on\r\n[09:07:58 AM] Flaps set to position 2\r\n[09:10:06 AM] Taxiing to runway\r\n[09:11:32 AM] Engine 2 is on\r\n[09:13:42 AM] Taking off\r\n[09:14:02 AM] Climbing, pitch: 11, roll: level, 157 kts\r\n[09:14:19 AM] Gear lever raised at 678 ft at 164 kts\r\n[09:15:25 AM] Flaps set to position 0 at 2841 ft at 188 kts\r\n[09:31:42 AM] Cruising at 33000ft, pitch: 2, 485 kts\r\n[09:32:11 AM] Descending\r\n[09:47:23 AM] Approaching\r\n[09:51:22 AM] Flaps set to position 2 at 5572 ft at 220 kts\r\n[09:54:22 AM] Final approach, 213 kts\r\n[09:55:01 AM] Flaps set to position 4 at 2471 ft at 199 kts\r\n[09:55:14 AM] Gear lever lowered at 2133 ft at 202 kts\r\n[09:55:33 AM] Flaps set to position 6 at 1777 ft at 195 kts\r\n[09:55:48 AM] Flaps set to position 8 at 1526 ft at 182 kts\r\n[09:57:37 AM] Touched down at 19 fpm, gear lever: down, pitch: 5, roll: level, 134 kts\r\n[09:57:38 AM] Aircraft bounced, touched back down at 40 fpm\r\n[09:58:14 AM] Landed in 5076 ft, fuel: 8337 lb, weight: 159879 lb\r\n[09:58:14 AM] Taxiing to gate\r\n[09:58:31 AM] Flaps set to position 0
-Kamyar Saririan