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This was a manual PIREP. No graphical information is available for this flight.
smartCARS version, 2023/3/25 UTC-6\r\n[10:24:14 AM] Preflight started, flying offline\r\n[10:24:14 AM] Flying Beechcraft King Air 350 Buffalo Airways C-FCGE\r\n[10:24:59 AM] Engine 2 is on\r\n[10:25:45 AM] Engine 1 is on\r\n[10:27:22 AM] Flaps set to position 1\r\n[10:27:54 AM] Pushing back with 3596 lb of fuel\r\n[10:27:55 AM] Taxiing to runway\r\n[10:31:46 AM] Taking off\r\n[10:31:59 AM] Climbing, pitch: 6, roll: 1 degrees right, 106 kts\r\n[10:32:01 AM] Gear lever raised at 24 ft at 123 kts\r\n[10:32:20 AM] Flaps set to position 0 at 176 ft at 171 kts\r\n[10:38:56 AM] Cruising altitude changed to 18000 ft\r\n[10:41:16 AM] Cruising altitude changed to 19000 ft\r\n[11:49:23 AM] Gear lever lowered at 654 ft at 151 kts\r\n[11:49:28 AM] Flaps set to position 1 at 803 ft at 141 kts\r\n[11:49:41 AM] Flaps set to position 2 at 808 ft at 129 kts\r\n[11:51:41 AM] Touched down early at -54 fpm, gear level: down, flaps: 2\r\n[11:51:41 AM] On the ground 175 nm from the planned arrival airfield\r\n[11:51:48 AM] Landed in 949 ft, fuel: 2381 lb, weight: 14336 lb\r\n[11:51:48 AM] Taxiing to gate\r\n[11:51:51 AM] The flight may now be ended\r\n[11:51:51 AM] Taxi time was less than 15 seconds\r\n[11:51:51 AM] Arrived, flight duration: 01:23\r\n\r\nStill no CYCO on MSFS, only CYKE for Kuglutuk, even though no CYKE in real life, only CYCO.
-Michael Ball