[09:29:36] Descending
[09:51:09] Sim paused
[23:31:42] Sim unpaused
[00:02:37] Approaching
[00:11:03] Flaps set to position 1 at 5476 ft at 199 kts
[00:13:08] Flaps set to position 2 at 2834 ft at 197 kts
[00:13:15] Flaps set to position 3 at 2840 ft at 187 kts
[00:16:24] Final approach, 231 kts
[00:17:34] Gear lever lowered at 1877 ft at 153 kts
[00:17:36] Flaps set to position 4 at 1856 ft at 153 kts
[00:17:49] Flaps set to position 5 at 1722 ft at 145 kts
[00:18:54] Stalling
[00:18:58] Stall recovered after a minimum speed of 124 kts
[00:19:03] Go around conditions met
[00:19:06] Standard final approach conditions met
[00:19:27] Go around conditions met
[00:19:28] Standard final approach conditions met
[00:19:29] Go around conditions met
[00:19:37] Standard final approach conditions met
[00:21:35] Go around conditions met
[00:21:40] Standard final approach conditions met
[00:23:31] Go around conditions met
[00:23:34] Standard final approach conditions met
[00:25:55] Stalling
[00:25:56] Stall recovered after a minimum speed of 126 kts
[00:26:06] Go around conditions met
[00:26:13] Standard final approach conditions met
[00:26:15] Go around conditions met
[00:26:23] Gear lever raised at 440 ft at 156 kts
[00:26:24] Flaps set to position 4 at 474 ft at 156 kts
[00:26:27] Flaps set to position 3 at 561 ft at 158 kts
[00:27:04] Standard final approach conditions met
[00:27:06] Go around conditions met
[00:27:22] Standard final approach conditions met
[00:27:25] Go around conditions met
[00:27:25] Standard final approach conditions met
[00:27:37] Go around conditions met
[00:27:52] Standard final approach conditions met
[00:28:17] Go around conditions met
[00:28:19] Standard final approach conditions met
[00:28:27] Go around conditions met
[00:28:28] Standard final approach conditions met
[00:28:35] Go around conditions met
[00:28:41] Standard final approach conditions met
[00:29:58] Go around conditions met
[00:30:07] Standard final approach conditions met
[00:31:43] Gear lever lowered at 1489 ft at 170 kts
[00:31:45] Flaps set to position 4 at 1490 ft at 169 kts
[00:32:01] Flaps set to position 5 at 1498 ft at 158 kts
Click to expand/close
[00:35:12] Touched down at -59 fpm, gear lever: down, pitch: 9, roll: 2 degrees right, 112 kts
[00:35:34] Landed in 2772 ft, fuel: 3827 lb, weight: 133164 lb
[00:35:34] Taxiing to gate
[00:35:50] Flaps set to position 4
[00:35:56] Flaps set to position 1
[00:36:03] Flaps set to position 0
[00:36:15] The flight may now be ended
[00:36:15] Arrived, flight duration: 04:28
[00:46:15] Engine 1 is off
[00:46:15] Engine 2 is off
Your PIREP is pending due to the following criteria found in your log: A stall was detected